> > Aug 26 21:21:35 [postfix/tlsproxy] CONNECT from 
> > []:41193
> > Aug 26 21:21:36 [postfix/postscreen] NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
> > []:41193: 450 4.3.2 Service currently unavailable;
> > from=<mas...@gmail.com>, to=<mas...@masked.com>, proto=ESMTP,
> > helo=<mail-oa0-f51.google.com>
> > Aug 26 21:21:36 [postfix/tlsproxy] DISCONNECT []:41193
> > 
> > The IP is whitelisted:
> > 
> > http://dnswl.org/s?s=
> Check again. Is the logging complete? Where are the dnsblog(8) log 
> entries? If this is in fact all the logging you got from this 
> connection, you're not getting your list.dnswl.org lookup.

Good point. dnsblog will be silent ONLY when list.dnswl.org replies
that the IP address is not listed (and perhaps when you send more
queries than your dnswl.org subscription allows).

Also the logging above is incomplete. You left out the CONNECT
logging from postscreen (and perhaps more).

For the complete postscreen/tlsproxy log:

grep '\[\]:41193' the-maillog-file

for the dnsblog log

grep 'Aug 26 21:21.*dnsblog.*'


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