On 04.10.14, 09:30, Wietse Venema wrote:
> giacomo:
> > > > > > Received: from mail.somedomain.com (mail.somedomain.com 
> > > > > > [yyy.yyy.yyy.yy])
> > > > > >     by isp.mailserver.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id F09FD4AC55F
> > > > > >     for <us...@realdomain.com>; Fri,  3 Oct 2014 18:04:57 +0200 
> > > > > > (CEST)
> > > > > 
> > > > > I don't understand how the conversion from catch...@realdomain.com
> > > > > to us...@realdomain.com is done.
> > > > 
> > > > The catch...@realdomain.com receive all mail for @realdomain.com.
> > > > For now I use an internal mail server (HMailServer) that reads 
> > > > and split each messages into the respective mailboxes.
> > > 
> > > For the last time, I repeat my question. What information is
> > > used to convert catch...@realdomain.com into us...@realdomain.com?
> > 
> > Excuse me, Wietse.
> > 
> > The Zimbra server collects the domain's messages. 
> > 
> > How do the internal server (HMailServer) to divide messages 
> > received from external mail server (Zimbra) with this header 
> > I don't have idea. 
> > 
> > I check the log of HMailServer and post the result.
> I suspect it looks at the To: header. You may be able to achive
> similar results with fetchmail and similar tools but it is broken
> by design: it mis-handles BCC recipients and it would send this
> reply back to the postfix-users mailing list.
>       Wietse

Hello Wietse,
Yes, the HMailserver seems that using this solution. 
At least so it seems from the logs.


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