Quanah Gibson-Mount:
> >> This is not a productive direction to pursue.  The feature you're
> >> looking for is not there, and is not planned.  You need to find
> >> a different solution.
> >
> > If Quanah is asking for the sender login map to automagically
> > expand Postfix virtual alias maps, then don't count on that to
> > ever happen.
> Not really, no.

Good. That would be a problem.

> My point is there are three queries necessary to deliver this email. 
> Postfix does two of them, and gets all of the data it needs via those two 
> queries to do the third and final query, and thus deliver the email.  I 
> understand it is the prerogative of the postfix team to not further expand 
> the queries, so that's that.  If there was a way to use an lmdb table to 
> rewrite the request for the domain prior to the LDAP lookup, that'd be 
> another way to solve the issue.

Postfix 2.12 allows one lookup table to produce a query for another
lookup table.  For example:

    smtpd_sender_login_maps = pipemap:{lmdb:map1, ldap:map2}

This will transform the sender with the LMDB table, before searching
the LDAP table. Note: when the LMDB table returns "not found" then
there will be no LDAP query.

I expect that pipemap will be the start of a family of simple
database primitives that canbe combined to implement powerful


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