Am 03.12.2014 um 12:43 schrieb Jose Borges Ferreira:
I'm looking deeper into bounce handling in Postfix and cam across 2 issues:

1)  The default From: header, "MAILER-DAEMON (Mail Delivery System)",
is not RFC valid.

a bounce has no envelope sender (null sender) and so no from-address

2) I want to forward bounces to a specific host. I was looking for a
way to specify a relayhost  or a transport for that class of messages
and couldn't find a way to achieve that.
I cannot use sender_dependent_default_transport_maps, because I
only want to apply to messages generated by Postfix and not messages
in transit.

it is *not* your business to mangle bounces
they belong to the envelope sender - period

keep your fingers from bounces - unconditional
a user sends a mail and when that fails he get a bounce

if you are backscatter because you accept mail on your MX which you can't deliver than fix that problem instead shooting at the messener

the one and only reason where a mailserver has to produce a bounce is when a authenticated user sends a mail which is later rejected at the final destination

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