> On Nov 22, 2015, at 11:13 PM, Peter <pe...@pajamian.dhs.org> wrote:
> On 11/23/2015 05:51 PM, Vicki Brown wrote:
>> Also, from my discussion with him, Bernard Teo does seem to know what he's 
>> doing.
> I suggest you type "man postfix", scroll down to the bottom and look at
> the list of authors, then compare that list to the two people who have
> been trying to help you here.  Note that you won't see "Bernard Teo" on
> that list.
> You have two people that arguably know more about Postfix than anyone
> else in the entire world trying to help you here and you're arguing with
> them trying to tell them that they're wrong?

I’ll add to that having used Bernard Teo’s product to get my system setup with 
Postfix initially, I found that like many packages, it sets it up to operate in 
its own closed universe. When I reached a point where I wanted to integrate 
other things like Amavis, DKIM signing, and other filters, it was time to move 
away from what his product set up.

Larry Stone

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