On 5/10/2016 11:07 AM, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 01:15:59AM -0500, deoren wrote:

# sender_dependent_default_transport_maps.conf
# This entry is matching against gmail.com because Google Calendar
# delivers notifications to your associated Gmail account. To
# receive them on your outside email account you have to configure
# Gmail to forward email. When it does, the Calendar notification
# appears to end up with an envelope sender address of your
# Gmail account. For testing purposes, I am attempting to just
# match on ALL Gmail accounts.
@gmail.com             autosieve

I would not expect the messages generated by Sieve to be sent from
"gmail.com".  These auto-generated messages are created on your
machine, and should be sent by some user on your machine (envelope
sender, not rfc822 "From:" header).  Figure out which user sends
Sieve-generated mail.

The incoming Google Calendar notifications from Google's servers are what I'm attempting to match against. Once I get that working I would enable the local Sieve script.

For my testing I used a Gmail account and sent an email directly from it to my primary account on the system. My expectation was that I would see the new autosieve transport use logged in the mail log to prove that the matching was at least occurring. I didn't see any clues which suggested that the transport was being used though.

autosieve      unix  -       -       -       -       -       smtp
  -o syslog_name=postfix/autosieve
  -o smtp_header_checks=$autosieve_header_checks

This is chrooted, which is OK if that works for you, but can be
a source of some problems (though not related to this thread).

Thanks for the heads up. I don't really know what I'm doing there, I just copied the existing line from master.cf (Postfix 2.11.x, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) and modified the name in an attempt to reflect your example.

As I got ready to do send this I turned to Google and looked for others who ran into the same problem:

"postfix sender_dependent_default_transport_maps not working"

and ended up on a conversation you had with Russell Jones about four years ago:


Your comment here got me thinking:

> The sender_dependent_default_transport_maps is a mechanism
in Postfix, that overrides the default transport:nexthop for outbound
mail based on the sender address.

If the delivery is local (via LMTP), would sender_dependent_default_transport_maps or even transport_maps even apply?

My goal is to match on the incoming notifications from a remote server, strip out the Auto-Submitted header so a local Sieve rule will agree to match against those emails and then generate a new custom notification email (not using any of the existing text, headers, etc). That custom email notification would then be delivered through an email-to-text message gateway that the cellular phone service provider allows others to use (ex: Verizon's vtext.com).

In other words, the notification that will be generated by the Sieve rule will not be coming back to the system unless the remote email-to-text gateway server bounces it. If it does, my goal is to have the Postfix setup not match on those. This should allow Pigeonhole to see the Auto-Submitted header and then refuse to process it, hopefully preventing a loop from occurring.

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