On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 01:46:57PM -0500, deoren wrote:

> >># match on ALL Gmail accounts.
> >>@gmail.com             autosieve
> >
> >I would not expect the messages generated by Sieve to be sent from
> >"gmail.com".  These auto-generated messages are created on your
> >machine, and should be sent by some user on your machine (envelope
> >sender, not rfc822 "From:" header).  Figure out which user sends
> >Sieve-generated mail.
> The incoming Google Calendar notifications from Google's servers are what
> I'm attempting to match against. Once I get that working I would enable the
> local Sieve script.

That won't work, because "sender_dependent_default_transport_maps"
only modifies the "default" transport, and will almost never affect
the delivery of inbound mail.

I thought you wanted to strip "Auto-Submitted" from outbound mail.
If you need this to happen upstream of inbound delivery to Sieve,
you need a different solution.

> "postfix sender_dependent_default_transport_maps not working"
> and ended up on a conversation you had with Russell Jones about four years
> ago:
> http://postfix.1071664.n5.nabble.com/sender-dependent-default-transport-maps-difficulties-td3402.html#a3409
> Your comment here got me thinking:
> If the delivery is local (via LMTP), would
> sender_dependent_default_transport_maps or even transport_maps even apply?


> My goal is to match on the incoming notifications from a remote server,
> strip out the Auto-Submitted header so a local Sieve rule will agree to
> match against those emails and then generate a new custom notification email
> (not using any of the existing text, headers, etc).

I think you need to convince Sieve to selectively violate RFC3834,
perhaps there's a way to do that in Sieve.


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