Look at "authenticate your mail" in the above link. Gmail required 1024 bits. 
Google market dominance makes it a defacto standard. 

  Original Message  
Sent: October 13, 2018 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: Are sha1 & TLSv1 fully deprecated wrt mail, and time to block them?

I appreciate the comments on this.

Boils down to:

> ... moral of this story is ....

in no particular order,

**    'Best/current Practice' _is_ better than sha1/dkim & TLSv1
**    FinCo's lazy & sloppy, not worth rejecting, but I can flag & watch
**    I've checked my ~12 month logs; FinCo represents ~ 95% of accepted/legit 
mail that's both sha1/dkim & TLSv1
**    I'll send one letter to FinCo's CIO/CSO offices.  I expect no change, but 
it'll make me 'feel better'.
**    I've confirmed that < 1024 bit sigs are not accepted at all 
**    for now, my TLS policy stays at ="may"

and get back to more useful work.

thanks all.

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