Laura Smith wrote:
Honestly, you are most likely wasting your time on that point because all that you are 
likely to get back is a page of waffle saying "blah blah blah ... security 
reasons... blah blah blah"

I know this because a sysadmin ex-colleague was having problems creating accounts with a 
FinCo using delimiters (e.g.   FinCo's filters were rejecting this 
because it was "invalid".

Said individual wrote a carefully worded long letter to C-suite execs at FinCo, 
also taking the time to attach copies of RFCs referred to in the letter so they 
would not have to look them up.

A couple of weeks later, a reply arrived in the post ... "blah blah blah ... 
security reasons... blah blah blah... we know better... blah blah blah"

So the moral of this story is, unless you have friends working for FinCo, don't 
bother trying to engage them on how they could improve client service by fixing 
their IT infrastructure. They are unlikely to listen.

When I come across a site that won't accept a "foo+bar" username part for the email, I roll my eyes and use "foo_bar" instead. Thanks Wietse, for adding support for multiple different characters in recipient_delimiter!

(I used to do this anyway when my personal server was running sendmail, but there I had to add yet another entry in virtusertable each time.)

Of course, sometimes you don't find out that "foo+bar" isn't supported until you notice curious lack of email from the site... since their form doesn't validate as tightly as their mail system. Or sometimes the login page is the picky one.


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