Gary Aitken wrote:
> Wietse Venema wrote:
> > Perhaps you're better of with
> > - uninstall Postfix
> > - reinstall Postfix
> >
> > and only after doing that edit Postfix config files.
> A simple uninstall and reinstall of postfix could not be used, as the 
> uninstall
> would remove another package (automysqlbackup) which depended on postfix.
> That package was already working, and I didn't want to disturb it.  I got
> around that by installing nullmailer, which satisfied the default-mta and
> mail-transfer-agent dependencies from automysqlbackup; then uninstalled
> postfix without removing/uninstalling anything else.  Then purge postfix
> to remove the config files, then reinstall postfix.

For future reference it is also possible to use dpkg to remove postfix
ignoring the dependency and then install it again satisfying the

  dpkg --purge --force-depends postfix
  ...verify /etc/postfix/ and other locations are clean...
  apt-get install postfix
  ...configure it as desired...

That would have avoided the clever use of an alternate MTA such as
nullmailer as a dependency placeholder. :-)

> This is a satellite system which should receive no mail, but which needs to
> post mail from root and other daemon-users.  I thought I had it set up by
> answering the setup questions as:
>   Type of system: Satellite
>   Domain:
>   mail relay:
> When attempting to send mail, /var/log/mail.log shows the following:
> Jun 16 17:18:11 xblgx-ops postfix/smtp[26224]: connect to 
>[]:25: Connection timed out
> It is using default mail port, 25; I need port 465 or 587 because it's my
> understanding google blocks everything on port 25.
> During the setup, I was not (I don't think) given the option of specifying
> smtps or the port.

It was there.  I ran through a test just now.  dpkg --purge as above
and the installed.  Selected Satellite.  I see this:

    Please specify a domain, host, host:port, [address] or [address]:port. Use 
the form
    [destination] to turn off MX lookups. Leave this blank for no relay host.
    Do not specify more than one host.
    The relayhost parameter specifies the default host to send mail to when no 
entry is
    matched in the optional transport(5) table. When no relay host is given, 
mail is routed
    directly to the destination.
    SMTP relay host (blank for none):

When I specified the following to that form:

It resulted in this configuration entry.

    root@turmoil:~# postconf relayhost
    relayhost =

And so it is possible to use that Debian specific installation
option.  Any more details here should be on a Debian specific mailing

However personally I always simply choose Internet Site and then
configure everything I want on top of that template.  It's a good
default to start from but I always want more specific customizations
on top of it.


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