There were a lot of answers given but the questions showed that the person asking the questions did not have the background in DNS and SMTP to take advantage of the answers and needed to take a bit of time with books or Google to develop enough understanding to know what to ask and how to interpret the answers.

We all have businesses to run or work of our own to do.

If you do not want to read and get the basic understanding required, you hire a consultant.

This is not a public school or a free consulting agency.

That is as polite a response as I can manage.

It is unseemly to complain about people who are trying to help you and are giving you the advice that you need to successfully accomplish the task that you have been given.

You will be much happier after you have read the introduction to the book and the chapters that apply to your problem. You will also be in a much better position to deal with the next roadblock that you will hit; and you will have a lot more fun before you have a email server doing what you want.


On 2020-10-14 9:56 a.m., Jason Long wrote:
It is so odd that some people here don't like to answer to the users questions 
and forwarding them to read a book with 496 pages.

On Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 10:42:08 AM GMT+3:30, Viktor Dukhovni 
<> wrote:

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 07:04:25AM +0000, Jason Long wrote:

Can you tell me how can I setup my Postfix server with A record Or how
can I change the DNS server two support two MX records?

The gap between what your questions suggest you know, and what you need
to know to operate a mailserver is too wide to be adequately bridged on
this mailing list.  Asking questions here is no substitute for taking
the time to purchase and read some books on DNS, and Postfix.

For Postfix, the "No Starch Press" book by Ralf Hildebrandt and Patrick
Koetter is a good start, and may even get some of your DNS questions
answered.  You can start there, and if you still have DNS questions,
also read a DNS book.

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software

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