> I've been looking at some older Macs with older operating systems, and these
> leaner meaner things seem to work much faster than OS 8.6 does on my stock
> 133mHz PB 1400c.

Myself, I preferred 8.1 on my 1400 when it was still a 117MHz 603. When I
upgraded it to a G3/333, because of the historical problems with 8.6 and
1400 G3 upgrades listed on the xlr8yourmac page, I just went straight to
9.1 and it's very nice. I have to have VM turned on, but it's still good.

> All the dynamic memory software is slow, too. Click a button and _wait_ for
> something to happen. Sometimes even the delete key bogs down.
> I have shut off all the extensions I can live without. I use OS 8.6 because
> it's really the oldest OS that will still run most modern software, like
> Explorer 5.1, PhotoShop 6.0, etc.
> I'm wondering if I'm the only one with this problem. What say ye?

This sounds like a malfunction or something corrupted. Have you zapped PRAM or
rebuilt the desktop? Alternatively, you might consider renaming your 8.6
system folder so you have a backup, and 'clean install' a new OS 8.6 or 8.1
onto that hard disk and see if the problem persists. If it does, I strongly
suspect that software is not to blame.

----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- I may have invented CtrlAltDel, but Microsoft made it popular. -- D. Bradley

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