The HAND on mine works no matter where i grab the border with it. 

The icons will take remembering again, i only wish they were a little
darker. They seem sort of washed out. When you are composing a letter
they are much better.


>In three pane mode...
>There are two funny wee arrow things for resizing the window ratios. They
>are horid. I keep trying to clean them off my screen. I find the one
>between the folder list and my message pane a real pain.
>And anyway, when I mouse over it my mouse becomes a hand. I would expect
>it to become a double arrow <-|-> as the only way to move the borders in
>up/down or left/right. You can't 'grab' the border and move it _anywhere_.
>The arrows on the border aren't really required - are they.
>I must say I'm not that impressed by the new icons in the toolbars. Take
>for example the "Mark as Spam". Is that a fly? What has a fly got to do
>with spam? And "Mark as Good" doesn't follow the theme (or vis versa).
>I'm not sure "Reply", "Forward" or "Redirect" are clear either. I'll
>probably turn off the icons - just like I did in PM 4.
>I was actually expecting more from PM 5. So far I haven't found anything
>really different from PM 4. I already have SpamSieve and that worked
>seamlessly once set up. I haven't found that "wow" that I felt when
>FoxTrot searching was introduced. I guess I'm committed now and I will
>pay for the upgrade but I don't think its good value. It doesn't feel
>like a full version upgrade to me so far.

The faster the computer
The more impatient the user.

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