David Gordon wrote:

>I must say I'm not that impressed by the new icons in 
>the toolbars. Take for example the "Mark as Spam". 
>Is that a fly? What has a fly got to do with spam? And 
>"Mark as Good" doesn't follow the theme (or vis versa).
>I'm not sure "Reply", "Forward" or "Redirect" are clear 

I disagree. I LIKE the new icons. They make perfect sense.

Scott T. Hards wrote:

>Frankly, I found the fly to be obvious and intuitive.
>I mean, what are flies attracted to the most, right?

I agree.

>I'll agree that the difference between forward and 
>redirect is not obvious.  That's best done with a
>tail of some kind on the arrows.  Forward could be 
>a straight arrow pointed right, while the redirect 
>arrow could look like a ricochet bouncing off the 
>letter icon.

I disagree. A ricochet means the mail bounced.
I believe the forward and redirect icon are better and
more meaningful than any I've seen on email clients
so far.

Keep the new icons!

Richard Hart

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