In three pane mode...

There are two funny wee arrow things for resizing the window ratios. They
are horid. I keep trying to clean them off my screen. I find the one
between the folder list and my message pane a real pain.

And anyway, when I mouse over it my mouse becomes a hand. I would expect
it to become a double arrow <-|-> as the only way to move the borders in
up/down or left/right. You can't 'grab' the border and move it _anywhere_.

The arrows on the border aren't really required - are they.

I must say I'm not that impressed by the new icons in the toolbars. Take
for example the "Mark as Spam". Is that a fly? What has a fly got to do
with spam? And "Mark as Good" doesn't follow the theme (or vis versa).
I'm not sure "Reply", "Forward" or "Redirect" are clear either. I'll
probably turn off the icons - just like I did in PM 4.

I was actually expecting more from PM 5. So far I haven't found anything
really different from PM 4. I already have SpamSieve and that worked
seamlessly once set up. I haven't found that "wow" that I felt when
FoxTrot searching was introduced. I guess I'm committed now and I will
pay for the upgrade but I don't think its good value. It doesn't feel
like a full version upgrade to me so far.


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