On 30/03/2004 at 9:32 PM I saw Marcus Jarrett type:

>>The script was configured for all messages being downloaded and nothing
>>left on the server. It certainly might create problems with messages that
>>are deleted immediately. This is the case where you can move the message
>>to the trash instead of deleting.
>I hadn't tried your script, just the one I posted. Do you run yours from
>a filter? 

Yes. Though for the last month I have the delete commented out and just
move them to the trash. Anal-retentive I guess. Just want the option to
look at them again lately. In the 2 months prior though I did not have
trouble with multiple messages from the POP server.


A new supply of round tuits has arrived and are available from Mary.
Anyone who has been putting off work until they got a round tuit now
has no excuse for further procrastination.

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