On Tuesday, 30 March 2004, Finkes, [EMAIL PROTECTED], thoughtfully
composed the following:

>On 30/03/2004 at 10:05 AM I saw PowerMail Engineering type:
>>Marcus Jarrett wrote:
>>>Here's a simple script that deletes the message, which has the effect of
>>>moving the attachment to the trash. You can run it (after you save it a
>>>compiled script in the Scripts Folder in the PowerMail User Folder using
>>>this filter criterion:
>>><Other Field> Content-Type <Contains> multipart/mixed
>>I think that deleting a message in a script called during a filter does
>>not work. Move the message to the trash instead.
>>Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering
>I'm not good at AppleScript, but I've used a simple AppleScript to delete
>messages immediately within a script in the past. Something like:


>This worked well for me.

Unfortunately, as I'm now finding out , when you run a delete script from
a filter, the filtered mail isn't deleted on the POP server properly, so
you end up getting MULTIPLE copies of something you didn't want in the
first place.


With the advent of PM 5, I guess the whole deleting attachments with a
script thing is now a bit moot - can't wait for the new beta...

Marcus Jarrett, Adelaide, South Australia.

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