On Tuesday, 30 March 2004, Jakob Riis, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
thoughtfully composed the following:

>I want to set up a Mail Filter that reacts to the filename of
>attachments. To be more specific I am trying to delete any message that
>contains a .pif file attachment. Does anybody know if that is possible

Here's a simple script that deletes the message, which has the effect of
moving the attachment to the trash. You can run it (after you save it a
compiled script in the Scripts Folder in the PowerMail User Folder using
this filter criterion:

<Other Field> Content-Type <Contains> multipart/mixed

tell application "PowerMail"
        set messageList to current messages
        repeat with MyMessage in messageList
                if attachments of MyMessage exists then
                        set attachList to MyMessage's attachments
ignoring case
                        repeat with theAttach in attachList
                                set itsName to theAttach's name
                                if itsName ends with ".pif" then delete 
                        end repeat
end ignoring
                end if
        end repeat
end tell

Marcus Jarrett, Adelaide, South Australia.

Single-mindedness is all very well in cows or baboons; in an animal
claiming to belong to the same species as Shakespeare it is simply

 -Aldous Huxley

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