My colleague Daniel posted the idea on an other (Macintosh-)Mailinglist
and I will tell you now step by step how you can make "mobile" your
PowerMail, regardless on which computer you actually work (home office,
office, or laptop).

Works on Macintosh (up to OS 10.6.4) with all kind of suitable PM Versions:

1. Take a USB stick (with a capacity of some GB, depending on the size
of your PowerMail-database).
Formate-it as "Mac OS Extended" (without "(Journaled)", swallows less
stick space).

2. Install a virgin version of PowerMail on this stick.
(Download: <>)
Make a (program-)folder and put PM into it.

3. Copy into this program folder all other program files of PM from the
existing place on your computer to the stick, especially
- Message Database Index
- PMKey
- SpamSieve (if included)

4. Copy the personal folder PowerMail Files (includes personal Message
Datbase, Server-side Database etc.) to the stick.

5. Copy the PowerMail Library folder (user/library/Application Support/
PowerMail) to the stick.

Now you should have 3 folders on your stick:
- PowerMail (program)
- PowerMail Files (personal mail data)
- Library

6. Ensure the Access right for you as user on _all_ this folders (and
include all subfolders too!) on the information window of each of the 3
main folders (Command + I).

--> Important: For to testing only how it works, zip all the concerned
original folders on your computer (PM Program, PowerMail Files, PM
Library) to keep-it and delete the original folders. (Zipping works by
clicking on the folder symbol together with ctrl button.)
Otherwise your computer goes the previous way!

7. Empty trash folder and restart your computer with the connected stick.

8. Open PowerMail on the stick (posting a program Alias on the top of
the stick makes it easier in future).

Maybe PM crashes the first time. Restart-it - then it should work,
asking first for the place of your personal PowerMail Files folder.

This method works with all versions of Mac OS (down to OS 9 classic and
up to Snow Leopard), of course, depending on your PM version.

--> From now on you have your PowerMail mobile on your stick wherever
you have a mac available - your mails always stood on the newest.

B.t.w.: Connect the stick _not_ to the keyboard but directly to the computer.

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