On Friday 23 June 2006 20:48, Derek Broughton wrote:
> On Thursday 22 June 2006 07:55, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > As you know, we're pondering what would be the best solution for the
> > upcoming Edgy Eft release of Kubuntu. We have a pretty tight release
> > schedule, with a feature freeze in 11 weeks from now. We are planning to
> > implement a small powermanagement solution for this next release.
> ...
> > We're definitely not out to duplicate efforts, we're looking for a
> > temporary solution that does it well enough for the moment.
> So what's wrong with using kpowersave?  I've been using it with dapper for
> months already.

It's not integrated with the acpi infrastructure / scripts of Dapper, that'd 
be the main reason. Then there is a dependancy on powersave which makes it a 
problem when you've two desktops installed. Third, it's not KISS enough.

I've played with it for quite some time, but didn't get it to play nicely for 
all the stuff I want it to do, for example, it still screws up my suspend2 
setup, while it should "Just Work".

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