> Today I was able to buy an extra cooling fan and install it at the
> back of the case. This dropped the temps a little--to the low 60s for
> Temp1, and mid 50s for the cores, but I still get errors in the
> torture test.
> I noticed that the heat sink on the processor isn't even warm to the
> touch despite the high temps being reported by SpeedFan. Shouldn't it
> be getting fairly hot?

This is indicative that either your temperature measurement
is faulty (unlikely) or that the heatsink has poor thermal
contact with the processor (more likely).

> Anyway, it looks like I will have to pursue extra cooling, when I
> have the time. Thanks for everyone's input.

I suggest you get some good heat conductive paste and
try reseating your heatsink.

My processor runs about 48 degrees Celsius when running mprime,
and I use a stock heatsink. (2.7GHz Celeron)

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