  I don't agree with the not mature evaluation, but forums are too much
trouble to participate in for me.  On an email list, I see a message and
respond if I have a comment.  Web Forums these days generally use
cookies and javascript.  I don't allow either on my main computers for
security reasons.  So, I have to go find another machine, enable
javascript and cookies for the site, login after I look up another
password and then read and post.  I have to be careful to never visit
another web site during this time and then logout and disable javascript
and delete the cookies.  It is a lot more work, so I generally ignore
them and spend that time on other projects.  I do realize that they do
have some advantages, such as the way they tend to categorize
To those that enjoy them, good luck,

On Mon, 2009-05-18 at 15:06 +0200, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 12:55:20PM +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
> > I still can't be bothered.  I simply don't participate in projects whose
> > primary means of communication is a webforum.  To me, such projects are
> > not sufficiently mature.  I find it highly unusual that Gimps actually
> > switched from a mailing list to a forum.  
> It's how life is these days. I have exactly the same problem (keeping
> up-to-date on a webforum just takes too much time and energy for me -- I'm
> sure webforum people will feel the same about a mailing list), but no amount
> of whining is going to change things, so it's better to go on and let others
> keep the spirit of the project running.
> /* Steinar */

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