Kristyne McDaniel wrote:


... but I believe even humans have a eternal soul (e.g. a spirit).

I don't actually know how many living things have a soul. I believe that
humans past some age do have a soul, but I suspect that there are other
living things as well that have souls or spirits. Again, that falls into #3
-- God's business.
If the soul is eternal, then perhaps it visit more that one host over time. Many people believe in reincarnation, and their is some evidence that support that concept of life, but the Holy Bible does not touch on the subject of abortion or when eternal soul enters the life cycle of a human.

There is some recorded evidence of worship from these other living things in
the bible as well. One of my favorites is "the mountains and the hills shall
break forth into singing and all the trees of the field shall clap their
hands" (2nd Isaiah).
Fundamentalist believe that the Bible should be interpreted literally, so they believe the God created the world and man/woman in six days, for example, but I believe God is beyond our capability to encapsulated into a nutshell and then present that nutshell to the world as my God. I believe God has revealed himself to us in the Holy Bible, disclosed those thing we need to know, but there is still so much that humanity does not know or understand. Perhaps over the ages more will be revealed.

So far a the passage above, it is very beautiful metaphorically.

There are so many Earth-focused peoples that believe that other living
things possess souls and spiritual energies that I suspect there may be
something to it. I don't have a great inclination to follow down that path,
but I also have no inclination to look down at them or ridicule their
The promise of God found in the Bible regarding eternal life is an unsolved mystery, but Got either is, or Gos is not. I have faith that God is.



- Kris,,

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