On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 4:13 PM, Kurt @ VR-FX <v...@optonline.net> wrote:

> Hey Mike,
> Thanks for the input. I shall try and consider SQL as a backend for the
> system. Especially since I know so many people here on this mailing list
> has done Exactly that - using SQL. However, to be truthful - I have very
> little experience with doing something like that. Also, I've done the
> Visual type screen design - where I drop one or more DBF's into the Env. on
> a Form - which allows me to easily do Drag&Drop to layout the screen
> design. I suspect that with an SQL backend - you can't do that at all...
> I'd STRONGLY suggest you take advantage of some of your free time to get
familiar with VFP and its Client-Server (C/S) solutions. There's SQL
Pass-Through (SPT), Remote Views and cursoradaptors. All three technologies
have strengths and weaknesses, and the best systems I've worked on have a
combination of them.

And with remote views, you can do visual design pretty similarly to what
you are used to.

"When all you own is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

In my last years of pushing VFP solutions, I was a big fan of the idea that
a VFP C/S app could be one of several front ends. VFP is awesome for
heads-down data entry, rich desktop applications, grids, drag-and-drop and
so forth. A second or third app could also access the same data: Excel for
bean-counter what-ifs, a web-based app for salesmen on the road to do price
lookups, etc.

For the past decade, I've specialized in web apps using PHP and Ruby/Rails,
mostly with MySQL backends, but with a smattering of SQLite, Postgres,
Ingres and even SQL Server (under protest, of course).

I have been AMAZED at the range of tools out there and the cool things you
can do.

If you're serious about being in this business for the long term, you owe
it to yourself to always be learning new stuff. It's the cost of doing

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