> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Ed Leafe
> Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 6:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [NF] Is anyone else here getting dumber like me?
> On Jun 11, 2007, at 8:57 PM, Jeff Johnson wrote:
> > I mention Ted and Kevin because they are working with Linux.  I am
> > finding
> > Python to be a lot like FoxPro.  FoxPro back in 1991 could do more
> > than
> > anything out there.  That is Python now in my opinion.  I was
> > constantly
> > learning new languages and OS's until I discovered FoxPro.  After
> > that I
> > didn't need anything else so I got lazy.  I was perfectly
> > satisfied.  In my
> > opinion, it is now time to learn something else.  For me that is
> > Python.  It
> > just so happens that a friend of mine developed a really cool
> > framework for
> > it!
>       Remember, back then Fox was cross-platform. FoxBase+/Mac was a
> pretty cool Mac application in its day, and FoxPro 2.0 was a direct
> copy of the Mac interface, and was the first fully-mousable DOS
> application.
>       Python, and by extension, Dabo, are a return to that. You mention
> Linux, but one thing people should remember is that Python kicks ass
> on Windows!
> -- Ed Leafe
> -- http://leafe.com
> -- http://dabodev.com

Ed:  Of course you only mention that because I didn't.  Because my customers
are Windows only that is the platform I will continue to develop for.  As a
practical matter some major corporations are still using Windows 2000 and
some innovative ones have implemented 2003.  Consumers may be installing
Vista, but unless there is a viable server version, major Microsoft
customers will not be interested.


Jeff Johnson
Fax 623-869-0675 

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