On 6/11/07, Matthew Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm just feeling like I'm getting dumber all the time...

Maybe you're just appreciating more how much there is to know. That
could be considered wisdom.

> in addition to
> that my stamina for sitting here working with computers for more than 9
> hours is gone (that might actually be a good thing)...

That's called a "balanced life." Even those wild-and-crazy guys who
like XP insist on 8-hour days. We man an office for a little bit
longer than that, and answer even later into the evening, occasionally
putting in extra hours, but not as a rule. Youth insists it can pull
an all-nighter, but it usually takes days to fix all the bugs...

> I eat reasonably well, exercise vigrously for usually an hour or more
> 5-6 days a week (cycling)... Cut back on the beer.... sleep is sometimes
> an issue a couple times a week but I'm normally getting 7 or more hours...

All essential, and more so as the seniority acrues.

> I'm 45.... Is this what it's like to get old?

Older, anyways.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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