> -----Original Message-----
>       Nah... getting old is when you land funny on your ankle just a bit,
> and two weeks later the thing is still throbbing.
>       There is a saturation point with anything. One thing I liked about
> being a contractor is that every few months there was usually a new
> project to dive into, and that helped to keep things fresh. But after
> a while, nothing seems all that interesting.
>       I went through what you're describing several years ago. Turns out
> that getting into developing Dabo rekindled that spark for me. I'm
> not suggesting that you undertake a similar project; I just mention
> that to illustrate that new experiences make things so much more
> interesting.
> -- Ed Leafe
> -- http://leafe.com
> -- http://dabodev.com

Ed:  All of these folks that are burying FoxPro and crying in their beer
should pay more attention to guys like you and Ted and Paul and Kevin Cully.

I mention Ted and Kevin because they are working with Linux.  I am finding
Python to be a lot like FoxPro.  FoxPro back in 1991 could do more than
anything out there.  That is Python now in my opinion.  I was constantly
learning new languages and OS's until I discovered FoxPro.  After that I
didn't need anything else so I got lazy.  I was perfectly satisfied.  In my
opinion, it is now time to learn something else.  For me that is Python.  It
just so happens that a friend of mine developed a really cool framework for


Jeff Johnson
Fax 623-869-0675

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