> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Whil Hentzen (Pro*)
> Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 7:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [NF] Is anyone else here getting dumber like me?
> > How do I do it?  Divorce and marrying a babe worked for me!!!
> >
> > To be perfectly honest, there is nothing more important to me than a
> good
> > night's sleep
> One of these is not like the other.... one of these just isn't the same.
> One of these is not like the other, can you guess which one before I
> forget my name?????
> > and getting away from it for a certain amount of time each
> > day.  I close the door no later than 6 or 7 in the evening and don't
> open it
> > again until the next morning.  Also, I don't work on weekends.  I may
> study
> > Python or do some tidying up, and I take calls from customers but that
> > doesn't bother me at all.
> Gotta disagree on this one completely. I make virtually no distinction
> between 'work' and 'non-work'. It's all stuff I do. Writing code,
> sending out invoices, taking daughter #3 to soccer practice, answering
> questions about "where do I find the source code for this book?",
> going over the packing list for scout camp, cleaning the crap out of the
> refrigerator, surfing digg, bitching about my Achilles to anyone who
> will listen, re-reading Dive Into Python, writing session notes,
> reviewing edits for a chapter that just came back from copy edit....
> It's just all stuff I do.
> Whil

Whil:  I am certain that our lives are not much different.  For many years I
worked, raised my family and goofed around with my friends without any clear
distinction between them.  The last few years I started "leaving the office"
at the end of the day and not going in there on weekends.  The evenings and
weekends were spent raising the family, goofing around with my friends and
loving my wife.  Sounds corny, but I come from a long line of corn.


Jeff Johnson
Fax 623-869-0675

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