> it works, it works well

...but when you find a bug, no one will fix it except yourself in your 
custom build

> and it's a great 
> base on which to build complex apps.  If the developers decide to not 
> make any more upgrades we'd still have a great tool.  I think of it as 
> a house foundation and what I build on top is the house itself.

Usually when we plan to build a house (complex application) we make sure 
that the foundation will not disappear in the next couple of years 
(framework will be supported, bugs will be fixed, etc.)

>  If 
> the guy that laid the foundation decided to retire, it doesn't affect 
> my house.

Wrong analogy. The application will be complete only when it's dead (unused 
anymore). Living application is continuously maintained, bugfixed, extended, 
improved, refactored etc., and the foundation (Prototype) can (and should) 
be updated to more recent/stable/modern version.

> volunteers who could project manage, do good design/CSS work, design a 
> framework that allowed 'widgets' to share a common base/communicate, 
> program, establish standards and so on, then with some effort we could 
> have a great tool with great add-ons.  Imagine how simple things would 
> be if all Prototype widgets shared the same CSS classes and usage. 
> I'm willing to be a part of such a group. 


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