On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 2:23:46 PM UTC-7, Ken Barber wrote:
> >
> > And IMO, that's as it should be. Back end ruby language code should be 
> held 
> > separate from regular "puppet language code" stuff. 
> I'm still not convinced, but I'm open to being convinced :-). 
Here's the important factor, which you guys @puppetlabs simply cannot see, 
because you've been steeped in it so long:

"puppet language", and ruby, are *two* *separate* *languages*.
Similar, yet different. Each with slightly different quirks. And in 
addition to that, there's (plain ruby), and then there's (ruby + puppet 
back-end code).
Which is a smaller scale equivalent of (C language, plus 

Try to picture a sysadmin. a reasonably competant sysadmin. But one who has 
zero prior experience with ruby, or puppet.

Now try to imagine this person attempting to fully understand puppet.

To *fully* undestand it, he has to try to learn 2.5 brand new languages.

Which is made even more difficult by the "minor detail", that 

This is enough to make even a highly competant sysadmin run away screaming.

In fact, I myself did, some years ago. But I've had enough motivation to 
come back and give it another go lately.

Point of reference:
I've been in the industry for 20 years.
I have a computer science degree.
I know approximately 10 diferent computer languages, and 3 real world ones.
I've written device drivers, and 5,000 line shell scripts.

if it was difficult for ME to understand and separate, contextually... how 
difficult do you think it will be for the average sysadmin who has zero 
ruby experience, etc?

Because of this, I'm saying it is really really important to have clearly 
defined borders between "frontend" puppet language
 (the language of manifests)
and backend (ruby, and related puppet code)
Simply for the sanity of any poor admin who attempts to read this stuff, 
and doesnt realize he's stepped over into an entirely different language 
country, when he changed files.
Because after all, "they're all just a 'puppet module', right? so they're 
all the same language".

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