On Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Stephan Deibel wrote:

> Jesse Noller wrote:
> > Noah can expand on this as Infrastructure lead, but the short version is 
> > this - last year we got some beefy donations and hosting form OSU/OSL - 
> > this allows us to run our own VM infrastructure and isolate/spin up new 
> > servers at will (which is great). We've been slowly migrating the old 
> > services to the new systems.
> > ...
> > This also includes "non PSF" assets such as PyPy assets we are now hosting 
> > for free. As I said, this is both a combination of communication issues and 
> > volunteer load. The board is examining paid backup/leads where needed 
> > and/or leveraging OSU's services and administration.
> Great, thanks. I figured you were already on top of looking at what the 
> PSF can do, but it seemed worth bringing up.
> Would it make sense to develop an infrastructure policy with a set of 
> requirements for infrastructure? Then the PSF could pay someone (or 
> appoint someone) to review everything periodically to make sure there 
> are working audited backups, security patches, security scans, and 
> whatever else is required by the policy. I don't know if that's too 
> bureaucratic but I'd support it as a way to use PSF funds.
> - Stephan 
Already working on a policy/job description/whatever you might call it. Just 
got side swiped with the Flu. 

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