Jesse Noller wrote:
Noah can expand on this as Infrastructure lead, but the short version is this - 
last year we got some beefy donations and hosting form OSU/OSL - this allows us 
to run our own VM infrastructure and isolate/spin up new servers at will (which 
is great). We've been slowly migrating the old services to the new systems.
This also includes "non PSF" assets such as PyPy assets we are now hosting for 
free. As I said, this is both a combination of communication issues and volunteer load. 
The board is examining paid backup/leads where needed and/or leveraging OSU's services 
and administration.

Great, thanks. I figured you were already on top of looking at what the PSF can do, but it seemed worth bringing up.

Would it make sense to develop an infrastructure policy with a set of requirements for infrastructure? Then the PSF could pay someone (or appoint someone) to review everything periodically to make sure there are working audited backups, security patches, security scans, and whatever else is required by the policy. I don't know if that's too bureaucratic but I'd support it as a way to use PSF funds.

- Stephan

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