Yeah cool.

I think it will give me a good push to finish off more tests as we change
towards py3k.

The sprite module is missing tests for a lot of the older sprite
functionality.  So that's the major one of the .py files I think.  Our build
scripts, and tests are the other major .py files.

If we start back porting some of the pgreloaded py3k stuff, then I think we
can have a pygame 1.9 prerelease for py3k within 4 weeks time(in time for
the course).  Remember, it only took Marcus a few days to port pgreloaded.


On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Lenard Lindstrom <> wrote:

> I would agree that Python 2.6 is more appropriate at the moment. Jython,
> for instance, is still at 2.5 beta. And many games depend on pyopengl at the
> minimum. As for releasing a Python 3.0 version of Pygame, that could be a
> problem if two versions of the .py modules must be kept. Since one goal for
> Pygame 1.9 is to have extensive unit tests ready, and therefore completing a
> major bug hunt in Pygame, it would be best to wait until after that is done.
> But yes, we can start readying Pygame for Python 3 by backporting
> pgreloaded's cross-compatibility tools.
> Lenard
> René Dudfield wrote:
>> Hi,
>> python 3.0 is *not* so good to teach.  Most of the available tutorials,
>> and books use 2.x.  Most of the available code uses 2.x
>> Major modules like numpy, pyopengl, and 5000+ other modules are not ready
>> for python3 yet.
>> It's just not ready yet (even the python developers say that).
>> However, when are you teaching it?  We might be able to get a python3
>> release of pygame ready in time.
>> cheers,
>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 6:58 AM, Andre Krause <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>    dear list, i need pygame for
>> <>
>>    i need it for teaching programming to total beginners. i choose
>>    python 3.0.1
>>    version of portable python, because it avoids some problems that
>>    would confuse
>>    programming beginners ( for example the integer division problem)
>>    later in the course i introduce pygame and let them program a very
>>    simple
>>    breakout like game and a baloon pop game.
>>    question: is pygame already compatible with python 3.0.1 ?
>>    i tried installing the binary release:
>>    "pygame-1.8.1.win32-py2.6.msi ~  1.4M (python2.5.4 is the best
>>    python on windows
>>    at the moment)"
>>    would it help if i would try a svn - nightly build version ?
>>    currently, i get the error message:
>>    "Traceback (most recent call last):
>>     File "<string>", line 248, in run_nodebug
>>     File "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\herc\Eigene
>>    Dateien\", line 2,
>>    in <module>
>>       from pygame import *
>>     File
>>    "c:\PortablePython3\App\lib\site-packages\pygame\", line 70
>>       raise NotImplementedError, MissingPygameModule
>>                                ^
>>    SyntaxError: invalid syntax"
>>    kind regards and thanks in advance !
> --
> Lenard Lindstrom
> <>

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