Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
> Quoting Marcus von Appen <m...@sysfault.org>:
>> On, Sat Apr 11, 2009, Rene Dudfield wrote:
>>> Yeah cool.
>>> I think it will give me a good push to finish off more tests as we change
>>> towards py3k.
>>> The sprite module is missing tests for a lot of the older sprite
>>> functionality.  So that's the major one of the .py files I think.  Our
>> build
>>> scripts, and tests are the other major .py files.
>>> If we start back porting some of the pgreloaded py3k stuff, then I think
>> we
>>> can have a pygame 1.9 prerelease for py3k within 4 weeks time(in time for
>>> the course).  Remember, it only took Marcus a few days to port pgreloaded.
>> It has a less messy internal API, though :-).
> I think we could get a minimal Pygame ready: base, surface, mixer, image,
> gfxdraw. I have access to an XP box for the next few days so will fork off a
> python3 branch and see if I can get something to work for Windows. But don't 
> let
> that stop anyone else from adapting Pygame to Python 3. We can merge things 
> back
> later.
> Lenard 

this would be great, because for my freshman programming course, i only need
surfaces, image loading and mouse events. thats all you need for a simple baloon
pop and arkanoid game.

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