Hi all,
I posted a few months ago with a plan about building a karaoke system
using pykaraoke. One thing I noticed was that cdgrip was a little slow
to rip and I wondered if I could make any improvements.

I wrote some code in C and got to the stage of having it ripping to ogg
using oggenc as the encoder. 

There are some differences between my code and and cdgrip (apart from
the language of choice) 

* It is a little bit faster (maybe 20%) probably mostly as a result of
being compiled.

* It works on the bin file by analysing the q subcahnnel so never needs
to look at the TOC file

* Because of the above it will probably work with cue/bin files although
I don't have a way to test this at the moment.

* It combines the ripping and deinterleaving and also performs a CRC on
the q code block in to one step (this might give some speed benifits)

What's wrong with it?

* It's in C

* It's unfinished and doesn't do CDDB lookups yet

* I can't make it work with LAME and I've not idea why :)

Some other notes.

While I was writing it (I call it dcdgrip) I tried to write a
NoDeinterleave option like cdgrip has. It didn't work properly, and I
think the same option in cdgrip might also be broken (mostly because I
just copied the code and translated it into C).
I think that maybe the deiterleaved data returned by cdrdao doesn't look
the way the code expects. Or the drives I've made work with the rw
option are returning something odd. It's hard to track down the source
of these errors. 


Is anyone interested in the code?
I got to the current stage over a month ago but have been too busy to
work on it since. I've got a bit more free time now.

I'll post it or upload somewhere or whatever if anyone is interested.

Also I'd say it was GPL but I took some public domain code for a CRC
algorithm and I'm not sure how that works with the GLP (in any case the
CRC stuff could be rewritten if needed)


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