On Dec 18, 2007 4:06 PM, Ben Bangert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Consider how simple sessions and the WSGI layer can be explained:
> Beaker has middleware that sets up and handles sessions for you, by
> adding the SessionMiddleware to your stack, you can now use sessions
> in your controllers. Import beaker's session like so ....... then
> proceed to use them in your controller.
> The user now knows exactly where it came from, what it does, and how
> to *not* use it as well. There is no ambiguity, and no explanations
> needed later about, "oh, so why do you import it from pylons when
> beaker actually does everything? uhh.... well....". It provides a
> better picture of how things are assembled, without magic or unknown
> tasks wrapped up in PylonsApp for literally no other reason than
> having another session reference in a different spot.

People have really been asking that?  I always thought, "Wow, Pylons
provides sessions for me, cool!  And I didn't have to write the
persistence code myself!"

So if you import it from beaker.middleware, does it still have to be a
StackedObjectProxy?  If not, why does it have to be a SOP when
imported from one place but not from another?  If yes, how does
PylonsApp know to register it; is it hardcoded?


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