Ben Bangert wrote:
On Jun 1, 2007, at 7:21 AM, Dan wrote:

I think you should consider changing domain names.  I don't think the
name Pylons is bad, just combined with the domain it just
doesn't stick.  I'd suggest using for the  

.org - Eludes to an open source/non-profit.   If Pylons is open
source/non-profit I think its a feature that you should mention to  
visitors... I didn't see licensing information anywhere on the  

pylonsframework - Eludes to Pylons being a framework right in the
domain.  I'd click on a URL for before

I think once we add some additional sitemap data, so that Google  
automatically displays the full description of our site (Pylons  
Framework....) the domain name won't matter much. At this point it  
would prolly be very bad to change domain names, since we could end  
up losing our top Google search result spot for "Pylons" which we  
currently have.

With all due respect, you're thinking more like a computer than a human being.  The domain name is important to people and marketing.   A descriptive and easy to remember domain is good for people and name recognition/branding.  For example, if all you have is a blank page with two URL's, which one is more descriptive? ?

or ?

Lets quickly take a closer look: 
    - '.com' implies a commercial 'for profit' company
    - 'pylons' could be either a structure for electrical lines or an orange cone... less than 1% of the world population is going to get the 'py' for python
    - 'hq' could be short for headquarters for some people, but that's just guessing because its not mentioned on the homepage
    - '.org' implies a non-profit organization commonly associated with open source software... definitely adds context
    - 'pylons' still means nothing to 90% of people, but have potential
    - 'framework' now that means something to your target audience... web developers!  definitely adds context

Google places high emphasis on popularity (link backs, what people click on after getting search results) and the competition for the word 'pylons' isn't exactly going to be hard to beat... ever.  Google is a pretty smart tool.  It will figure out that 95% of people searching for 'pylons' will want the web framework and you'll still be on the top of the rankings.  Now the real trick is to get your Pylons to the top of a Google 'framework' search... adding framework to your domain should help placing you higher in that search, but not a replacement for getting people to actually click on it.

Thanks for listening.

By the way, I think the logo should be something with an orange cone... because its simple.

I hate to mention the word, but 'screencasts' is almost a  
standard.  It
wouldn't hurt if someone could put one together.

They're coming, and Jon R. actually has some together. Part of the  
new site redesign would highlight these and bring news of updates to  
a more visible front.

But right now... we need a good logo. Something people would be happy  
to have on a t-shirt even.  :)



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