On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 1:27 AM, Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> None has been mentioned on the list.  The thread you found is the
> latest.  If you have time to figure out the easiest install procedure
> for Pylons on App Engine and to update the howto, it would be a
> contribution to Pylons.  There's a redirect set up for the latest
> instructions:
> http://pylonshq.com/appengine
> but you've probably seen it already.

I've added a new page to the Wiki:

(Wikis suck. It totally roasted all my formatting from rst/html. Editing
yet-another-markup in a textarea is painful. Argh.)

It would be great if a few people looked it over; I expect that in
particular some of the syntax is now wrong (over-roasted by the import).

Also, I probably have some terminology wrong: I'm not sure what the meta
files like MANIFEST.in and ez_setup.py actually are... are they egg files?
Paster files? Setuptools? I don't know what to properly call them when I
talk about deleting them.

Some questions that I still have and can't answer:

1. Can one delete the *.egg-info directories in the "app/lib" portion of a
GAE tree, or does that metadata get used in the standard operating of python
(one of the reasons I HATE all of this packaging stuff; we have "webob" just
where it's supposed to be, then the cruft "WebOb-"
(which is NOT a package) right next to it. But I digress...

2. There are still files in an "appengine-homedir" from monkey:
./app/lib/python/appengine_monkey_files. I don't know what they're for (if
anything). I removed them in my experimentation, seems ok so far.

3. Much of anything about zipped / unzipped packages.

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