On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Matt Feifarek <matt.feifa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 1:27 AM, Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> None has been mentioned on the list.  The thread you found is the
>> latest.  If you have time to figure out the easiest install procedure
>> for Pylons on App Engine and to update the howto, it would be a
>> contribution to Pylons.  There's a redirect set up for the latest
>> instructions:
>> http://pylonshq.com/appengine
>> but you've probably seen it already.
> I've added a new page to the Wiki:
> http://wiki.pylonshq.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=17465426
> (Wikis suck. It totally roasted all my formatting from rst/html. Editing
> yet-another-markup in a textarea is painful. Argh.)
> It would be great if a few people looked it over; I expect that in
> particular some of the syntax is now wrong (over-roasted by the import).

It looks good.  And better organized than I had.  Feel free to link to
it on the other page, or to paste the whole thing into that page.  We
need to keep the redirect pointing to the latest instructions, and
it's easier to modify the page in place than to ask Ben to change the

The first link under "other materials" is not a link.

Change the "Thanks to Ian Bicking and Mike Orr" to "Thanks to Ian
Bicking".  He wrote all the code.  All my fork does is delete some
obsolete portions.  My main contribution was the older howto on the
Pylons site. Besides that, I've had extensive discussions with a few
others on how we might streamline the install process for GAE, which
has not been written down.  I can share that with anybody who wants to
take over maintenance of appengine-homedir and the Pylons/AppEngine

> Also, I probably have some terminology wrong: I'm not sure what the meta
> files like MANIFEST.in and ez_setup.py actually are... are they egg files?
> Paster files? Setuptools? I don't know what to properly call them when I
> talk about deleting them.

The egg-info directory contains package metadata.  These are necessary
because Paste uses various runtime services provided by Setuptools,
which depend on the metadata for package introspection and entry

ez_setup.py is unnecessary, and I think MANIFEST.in is too.
ez_setup.py is a script that downloads and installs Setuptools.  It's
customary to include it in packages whose setup.py depend on
Setuptoos, as Pylons applications do.  MANIFEST.in is used by setup.py
to build the egg-info metadata.  Neither of these are needed on the
server, which never installs anything.

> Some questions that I still have and can't answer:
> 1. Can one delete the *.egg-info directories in the "app/lib" portion of a
> GAE tree, or does that metadata get used in the standard operating of python
> (one of the reasons I HATE all of this packaging stuff; we have "webob" just
> where it's supposed to be, then the cruft "WebOb-"
> (which is NOT a package) right next to it. But I digress...

The metadata has to go somewhere, and there are two standard locations
for it in Python.  easy_install does it one way, and pip does it the
other way.  Pip's way has just one directory on sys.path, like in the
olden days.  Easy_install's way puts every friggin' package directory
on sys.path using *.pth files.    Besides being ugly, this is one more
point of failure if the path doesn't get set right.  As has happened
to me before on App Engine, when it ignored *.pth files sometimes.

I wish Paste did not depend on Setuptools and entry points, but it
does, and we're not going to get away from that until we write another
framework.  (Which the Pype framework might be someday.)

> 2. There are still files in an "appengine-homedir" from monkey:
> ./app/lib/python/appengine_monkey_files. I don't know what they're for (if
> anything). I removed them in my experimentation, seems ok so far.

Those are probably things I missed when I was deleting the monkey code.

> 3. Much of anything about zipped / unzipped packages.

Google raised the quotas significantly after we bitched long enough
about it.  I think it's 3000 files now, which is enough for a
good-sized Pylons application wiithout zipping.  Before it was 1000
files, which just barely fit Pylons.  The issue of course is that no
other runtime environment imposes a file quantity restriction, so the
packages were not designed to economize files.  And more than half of
Pylons and Routes is backward compatibility code, which is needed now
but will be gone by Pylons 1.0.

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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