Regardless of the date of the final release, no one's Python2 install will
stop working, and people will still be able to download and install that
last release.

So I like the metaphor -- it's being "sunset" -- there will be a long dusk
...... a month or tow makes no difference to anyone's workflow.


On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 6:39 PM Sumana Harihareswara <>

> Hi. I've joined python-dev to participate in this thread (I don't have
> email delivery turned on; I'll be checking back via the web).
> Benjamin, I am sorry that I didn't check in with you, and assumed that
> January 1, 2020 would be the the date of the final 2.7 point release.
> (My understanding was based on Guido's EOL announcement from March last
> year
>   -- I should have also gotten a review from you and not just the
> Steering Council in
> .) I'm going to continue this discussion here so I can make sure I
> understand the policy decision properly, and then (if necessary) update
> the FAQ.
> Based on what I've read here and what I see in
> , it
> sounds like the timeline will go something like:
> * 2019-10-19: release of 2.7.17 October
> * October, November, and December 2019: developers continue to fix
> issues in 2.7
> * 2020-01-01: code freeze for 2.7.18 release candidate
> * January and February 2020: flexibility to fix any issues introduced
> since the 2.7.17 release, but no other bugs or security issues, and no
> 3.x backports
> * ~2020-04-02: release candidate for 2.7.18
> * 2020-04-17: final 2.7.18 release
> Is this right? (If so, I can submit an update to PEP 373.)
> This is a little more complicated than I had anticipated when
> communicating out about the sunsetting. But I can find a way either to
> concisely communicate this, or to point to a user-friendly explanation
> elsewhere.
> Thanks.
> --
> Sumana Harihareswara
> Changeset Consulting
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