Peter, I think that went just to me, which I suspect was not what you
intended, so I've brought it back on the list:

On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 12:06 PM Peter Wang <> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 5:55 PM Chris Barker via Python-Dev <
>> wrote:
>> Regardless of the date of the final release, no one's Python2 install
>> will stop working, and people will still be able to download and install
>> that last release.
>> So I like the metaphor -- it's being "sunset" -- there will be a long
>> dusk ...... a month or tow makes no difference to anyone's workflow.
> Metaphorically that is correct, but at the same time there are things like
> which communicate a certain... precision and
> finality to the Dec 31, 2019 date.  I agree with Ned that as a community,
> we should have a unified messaging about this.  I already anticipate a
> final round of teeth-gnashing as the date draws near, so it would be good
> to minimize the room for misunderstandings.

Yes, it would, but if we are emphasizing that hard date, we need to
emphasise that it is a hard date on when the last patch would potentially
be applied, and other than that, there is no discontinuity ...


> Cheers,
> Peter


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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