On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 05:43:26PM -0700, Ethan Furman wrote:

> It works, but I wouldn't say "quite well" -- any thread from discourse is 
> one long linear series of replies, and reading them in chronological order 
> means jumping around and trying to figure what is a reply to what.

Sometimes, seemingly at random, Discourse will not email the first 
message in a thread. No, it's not in my spam filter, I've checked.

In my experience, Discourse doesn't cope well with email replies that 
use hard line breaks, breaking each line into its own paragraph -- but 
only sometimes.

Discourse seems to insert blank lines between paragraphs in messages 
sent by email, even in code blocks -- but only sometimes.

Even when it does't insert blank lines, Discourse seems to insert extra 
carriage returns (^M) at the end of lines in messages it sends -- but 
only sometimes.

Discourse seems to treat a row of hyphens (what should be a markdown 
hrule) as the end of the post, and delete the hyphens and everything 
after it -- but only sometimes.

Once, I've had Discourse seemingly randomly delete one line in the 
middle of a code block for no apparent reason.

The bottom line is that Discourse's email works, but with a seemingly 
never-ending parade of annoyances and frustrations.

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