I am -1 for leaving email due to the long history of standardization, for a
platform whose future I don't know about.

When you say core development is busier, does that mean the experiment with
python-dev failed? aka wasn't a success, if so why are we moving python-dev
too if it's not working well? I stand to be corrected obviously.

On Fri., Jul. 15, 2022, 2:22 p.m. Petr Viktorin, <encu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Currently development discussions are split between multiple
> communication channels, for example:
> - python-dev and discuss.python.org for design discussions,
> - GitHub Issues and Pull Requests for specific changes,
> - IRC, Discord and private chats for real-time discussions,
> - Topic-specific channels like typing-sig.
> While most of these serve different needs, there is too much overlap
> between python-dev and discuss.python.org. It seems that for most
> people, this situation is worse than sticking to either one platform –
> even if we don't go with that person's favorite.
> The discuss.python.org experiment has been going on for quite a while,
> and while the platform is not without its issues, we consider it a
> success. The Core Development category is busier than python-dev.
> According to staff, discuss.python.org is much easier to moderate.. If
> you're following python-dev but not discuss.python.org, you're missing
> out.
> The Steering Council would like to switch from python-dev to
> discuss.python.org.
> Practically, this means:
> - Moving the required PEP announcements to discuss.python.org
> - Moving discuss.python.org up in the devguide communications page
> (https://devguide.python.org/communication/)
> - And that's it?
> I imagine that the mailing list will stay around for continuing past
> discussion threads and for announcements, eventually switching to
> auto-reject incoming messages with a pointer to discuss.python.org.
> To be clear, discuss.python.org allows editing posts, which is frankly
> handy for typos and clarifications. Editing alone should not be used for
> adding new info -- we should cultivate a culture of being friendly to
> mail users & notification watchers. This probably bears repeating in a
> few places.
> We're aware not everyone wants to use the discuss.python.org website,
> but there are some ways to avoid it:
> - For new PEPs, you can point your RSS client to
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/peps.rss – it's not e-mail, but many
> email clients have RSS support. You can also watch the Steering Council
> issues on GitHub (https://github.com/python/steering-council/issues/)
> for important questions and discussions.
> - You can use discuss.python.org's “mailing list mode” (which subscribes
> you to all new posts), possibly with filtering and/or categorizing
> messages locally.
> However, we would like to know if this will pose an undue burden to
> anyone, if there are workflows or usage problems that we are not aware
> of. As mentioned, this is something the Steering Council thinks is a
> good idea, but we want to make sure we're aware of all the impact when
> we make the final decision.
> – Petr, on behalf of the Steering Council
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