> On Jul 24, 2018, at 7:37 AM, Rhodri James <rho...@kynesim.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 24/07/18 12:02, David Mertz wrote:
>> Every use I've suggested for the magic proxy is similar to:
>>   NullCoalesce(cfg).user.profile.food
>> Yes, the class is magic. That much more so in the library I published last
>> night that utilizes wrapt.ObjectProxy. But it's also pretty explicit in
>> that an actual*word*  announces that funny stuff is going to happen on the
>> same line.
>     Foo(cfg).user.profile.food
> Is that explicit that funny stuff is going to happen on the same line? I 
> wouldn't generally assume so, I'd just assume the coder created a throwaway 
> object to get at an attribute.  You have to know that "NullCoalesce" does 
> magic before it is at all explicit that funny stuff will happen.  Thinking 
> about it, NullCoalesce() may be *less* explicit than ?. because at least that 
> doesn't look like ordinary attribute reference.
> I'm still of the opinion that both approaches are trying to solve a problem 
> that's too niche to merit them, BTW.
> -- 
> Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

The fact that you changed NullCoalesce into Foo to show lack of explicitness 
seems a straw-man. Words are FULL of meaning, while symbols are less so. The 
biggest issue I see with the use of ? here is that ? does have some meaning, it 
says we are going to be (or have) asked a question, it doesn’t tell us what the 
question is. Most of the other symbols used have a long history of meaning (yes 
= has the problem that historically it has had two possible meanings). To me, ? 
gives no indication that it is going to ask about Nullness.

?. has some indication that we are doing an attribute access that is in some 
way conditional, but a?.b could mean that we are conditional on a not being 
null, or it could be asking to suppress any and all error in getting b, even if 
a is an int and thus doesn’t have a b. The words carry a lot more meaning.
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