On Wed, 20 May 2020 at 17:17, Mike Miller <python-id...@mgmiller.net> wrote:
> On 2020-05-20 00:44, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > If you think that a keyboard with fancy arrows on it will take off any
> > quicker, you're extremely hopeful.
> While I'm not sure how useful this is in the long run, the oft mentioned
> drawback of "hard to type/view" Unicode chars isn't as insurmountable as some 
> think:
> - Word processors have had a palette to insert symbols for decades.
> - Editors have had "snippets" for perhaps almost as long.
> - Code formatters such as "go fmt", yapf, black, etc could update them.
> - All maintained OSs support a great majority of Unicode, with font support.
> - AltGr and Compose keys are available.
> I've been using Unicode everywhere for about a decade—it's time to retire the
> argument that input is still hard or rare.  Dedicated keys are not really 
> necessary.

Input _is_ hard or rare. Deal with it.
Even the font is not uniformily configured across systems, and  a glyph  one
does see here may not show properly on the terminal, or other
editing environment.

I see absolutely no gain of using optional arcane symbols in soruce code.
Of course documentation derived from annotations can be as prettified
as one want.

It seems that the only sane thing to do
is to use a baseline of well established  symbols on source code,
and anyone can have a customized editor to render (or input)
those as they see fit - and even thought that always
have been a possibility, very few people
does so. (I had a coleague once which did
set a special VIM config to display "!=" as
"[can't type, math 'different' sign from here]"
and even that was mostly a toy than anything
really useful.

> -Mike
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