On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 04:04:20PM +0200, Thierry Parmentelat wrote:

> for all the rest, I am sorry, all the arguments about people having 
> trouble inputing those characters are not relevant, it’s not as if 
> using unicode characters was mandatory

If we still have to come up with a good looking, unambiguous per ASCII 
digraph or trigraph symbol, then what does the Unicode symbol grant us?

The moment we say "why bother with the ASCII digraph, everyone can use 
the Unicode symbol?" then we are proposing that it be mandatory.

Even if it is not mandatory, people will want to use the same symbol 
throughout a project. Once somebody allows → in a module, they're 
probably going to require → and reject patches using ->

Now of course people can *work around this* by copying and pasting, 
symbol palettes, etc but it does add to the friction of using Python. If 
the benefit isn't greater than the amount of friction, the overall 
experience is worse.

Allowing Unicode symbols expands the range of operators and special 
symbols we can use, and potentially makes it easier to add new language 
features. But if we have ASCII fallbacks for every one of those, then it 
doesn't add any extra power or functionality to the language, it just 
adds complexity for minimal benefit.

> arguments about some people not seeing such code properly are of 
> course much more valid but you seem to forget that using unicode 
> characters is already possible in strings, and identifiers even so 
> somebody else opened that box already … And if IDLE can’t do it, it’s 
> a problem already

Indeed, this is true, but neither identifiers nor strings carry 
syntactic meaning. We don't has to ask what the identifier straß means 
to understand the code, at worst we could treat it as an obfuscated name 
like xyz. Likewise for string constants.

Mandatory or not, giving syntactic meaning to Unicode symbols (as 
opposed to merely allowing them in indentifiers and strings) will lead 
to a massive increase in community questions:

"What's the meaning of that curly less than sign ⊰ in Python?"

or more likely:

"What's with all the small boxes '￸' in Python code?"

(assuming they even display at all, in my mail client the above symbol 
displays as a space; they could easily also display as �).

So unless you're volunteering to personally seek out and answer all 
those questions, this can only increase the amount of community support 
needed for not very much benefit at all.

We have had non-ASCII identifiers for, oh, 15 or 20 years now, but still 
the vast bulk of identifiers use nothing but ASCII, even when not 
written in English. At least for projects which have much visibility in 
the public, English-speaking internet :-)

(I expect that people and companies use a lot more non-ASCII in their 
private code. And there is an interesting little project called 
ChinesePython that translates the language into Chinese, but I don't 
know how successful it is or if it is even still maintained.)

So the cost of allowing non-ASCII identifers is much lower than the cost 
of non-ASCII symbols; even if the benefit is low, it can still be a win 
for non-ASCII identifiers and strings, while the cost:benefit ratio end 
up negative for non-ASCII symbols.

> I am convinced this will happen, one day or another, with or without 
> Python, only question is when, not if


If you are serious about persuing this, you could start by doing a 
survey of what other languages allow non-ASCII symbols, and report on 
their experience and popularity. You might also check out Coconut, which 
is superset of Python that compiles down to Python.

Another option might be to provide a pre-processor that translates 
(say) → into -> for example. We might have .pyu files (u for unicode) 
translate into .py files before being compiled or run.

A good practical project for someone seriously interested in advancing 
this idea would be a translator that goes in both directions, from pure 
ASCII to non-ASCII. (Remember that string literals, docstrings and 
comments shouldn't be touched.)

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