As someone else noted, few of the ideas originating on typing-sig are for
syntax changes.

One might argue that some are "abuse of notation."  Generally they are of
the sort "let's support indexing or bitwise operators on some more types"
or let's let more builtin things act as types in annotations.

Whether good or bad, that's not syntax

The last time typing-sig proposed a syntax change was PEP 677 which was
rejected. Finn notes several non-syntax changes that were accepted from
python-ideas. Those are new parameters or methods for builtins, again not
syntax. He notes another which is "add a library to stdlib", again not

Most ideas SHOULD get rejected, simply because most are poorly or partially
thought through. But even many that are *reasonable* in and of themselves
are not worth  adding the complication. I'm sure if Guido had put `for x in
stuff if cond` I'd probably use it most days.

But tens of millions of users, and billions of lines of production code
later, it's not worth the disruption. It's not worth "breaking" hundreds of
Python books (a few of which I've written). Saving a newline—or even very
slightly changing the emphasis of code as read—are not close to worth
including the extra way to do the same thing.

Of course the balance might be different for something really cumbersome to
do with existing syntax. This isn't that.

On Mon, Mar 7, 2022, 11:34 PM Finn Mason

> PEP 618 (zip(strict=True)) and PEP 616 (str.removeprefix) originated on
>> python-ideas and were accepted.
> Even more recently, PEP 680 (tomllib in the standard library). The
> python-ideas discussion was short and very positive. Then the PEP was
> written and the "meat" of the discussion was done on
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