In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Wolfgang Lenerz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
On 10 Apr 2004 at 17:50, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

Yet future has to hold something new and better for us to move forward with ... this maintains interest.

Wouldn't something in the shape of (better) applications be nicer?

Yes, I couldn't agree more that better or new applications are needed. Yet with a low number of creative software writers there are very few new applications emerging.

Those that are being produced tend to be utilities rather than applications.

I have bought and I am using Launchpad, for example. This has made my use of the QDOSMSQ environment more enjoyable by making it easier.

Compiling Basic code with Turbo is now just a couple of clicks on the relevant icons on the desktop. Very nice. I have a desktop menu just for Source use like Basic and c68.

Yet Launchpad is an environment manager rather than an application.

Better and new applications, as well as better and new hardware, would be the ideal.

However, applications need a market to sell to, or a body of users if shareware.

The only new application that I know of that is currently being developed is 'Drawing' by Chris Cave. Which is a 2D vector drawing program.

I know of this because Chris regularly attends the London Quanta Group meetings, so I receive the latest version :-) ... and I am writing a simple Guide to its numerous commands.

At present Drawing is being given to users free by the author.

Malcolm Cadman
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            • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
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