> However, once Ive divested myself entirely of this account, I should be
> virtually spam-free! (I'll miss the scams, though. Ive always wondered how
> people who are smart enough to have learned to read can be dumb enough to
> get caught up in them!)
Because the scam authors are usually great con merchants and how many times
do you hear of people falling for con-men, be it smooth talkers who con
lonely old ladies, or doorstep salesmen selling you things nobody in their
right mind would buy.

[ As if to prove my point while I was writing this my doorbell rang - double
glazing salesman :-(  ]

In my opinion, spammers etc are actually causing real damage to the internet
both in terms of knackering it with all the millions of useless spam emails
flooding it, damaging its reputation as one of the great tools of modern
times, and generally destroying my faith in humanity as I realise just what
a percentage of the world's population are frankly idiots.

In the long term, this problem won't by solved by individual ISP's or
individual governments. It's up to all of us to urge our politicians to
press hard for worldwide control of these types of things and worldwide
consistent hefty penalties for abuses on this scale. After all if it can be
done it will be done by someone. Much as I hate to praise M$, I see in
Computeractive this week that their big financial rewards caused someone to
grass on some virus writers who are likely to get a significant jail
sentence. Good, one less to worry about.

Right, back to that QL virus I was writing ;-))

Dilwyn Jones

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