----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Newson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ql-users]Decent ISPs

> P Witte wrote:
> > Robert Newson writes:
> >
> >>>Im trying to get rid of my Tiscali account as Tiscali are obviously not
> >>>interested in my custom. Ive tried a few other ISPs, but they have so
> >>>far not proved reliable or decent - apart from Freeserve, now Wanado.
> >>>
> >>You must have a different definition of decent than I do.  About 60% of
> >>the spam I get arrives from WANADOO.fr hosted sites.
> >

This is a strange thing to write about one of our favourite hates, but
hotmail is virtually spam free. They have a special bulk mailings box from
which only the headers are downloaded and then only on request. You can
quickly look through these for genuine mail. This means very little spam
actually gets through to your inbox. It is one of the reasons I keep a
hotmail account and why this is the contact email address I use on my QL (on
topic!) websites. If hotmail can do this, why can't others?

Incidentally I have had numerous attacks by the W32.Netsky.P @ mm!enc virus
over the last few days. This is a new variant so it's just as well to keep
your virus software up to date,

Best wishes,
Geoff Wicks.

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